Publishing a research paper in a peer-reviewed journal is an important activity within the academic community. It allows you to network with other scholars, get your name and work into circulation, and further refine your ideas and research. Getting published isn’t easy, but you can improve your odds by submitting a technically sound and creative yet straightforward piece of research. It’s also vital to find a suitable academic journal for your topic and writing style, so you can tailor your research paper to it and increase your chances of publication and wider recognition. Main problem is that where to publish research paper. So solution is here.
The International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR) in Niue is a monthly peer reviewed open access publication of Nextgen Research Publication . IJNTR publishes original research papers, case reports, research notes, short communications and review papers on various aspects of Multidiscpline. Authors in Niue can submit their contributions electronically through the Journal website submission system or manually by E-mail to the Editorial Office.
In accordance with usual practice, papers previously published and under consideration for publication elsewhere cannot be accepted, and authors must agree not to publish accepted papers elsewhere without the prior permission of Nextgen Research Publication.
Author's Research Publication Tips
What do you mean by a good journal?
According to us, that journal is good for publishing your research paper for a minimum fee as well as indexing your published paper on more and more websites. In addition, at least 25% of the board members in any international journal should be from different countries of the world.
What should be the average publication fee of any good journal?
According to us, the journal should not take more than US $ 150 to publish and index any paper.
Are high-cost journals not good?
We did not say so. But to get publish the paper in such a journal, you will have to pay more fees.
Call for Papers
Last Date of Paper Submission February 09, 2025
Review Report (Faster Online Peer Review) : Within 3-4 Days after Submission
Publication (online)
Within 1-2 Days After Registration
If your paper is accepted for publication, with the acceptance letter of your paper you will get the account detail in which you can deposit fees simply by going your nearly bank branch or by online transfer.