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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Analysis of Weld Joint for SS 316 Material Using Taguchi Technique

( Volume 5 Issue 4,April 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ankita A. Kashid, Pallavi M. Patil, Monika R. Olekar, Priydarshani V. Deshmane, Sonali S. Jadkar


The S.S 316 is a chromium-nickel-molybdenum austenitic stainless steel developed to provide improved corrosion resistance to S.S 304/304L in moderately corrosive environments. 316stainless steel is selected over other materials because of its distinct properties, cheaper cost and its availability in the market. 316stainless steel used is a boiler grade steel used in pressure vessels. Type 316 stainless steel is broadly used in application demanding corrosion resistance superior to Type 304, or good elevated temperature strength. Typical uses include exhaust manifolds, furnace parts, heat exchangers, jet engine parts,tanks, evaporators, paper and textile processing equipment.. The addition of molybdenum improves general corrosion and chloride pitting resistance. TIG welding is most popular method for welding of stainless material. SS316 is commonly used for producing milk silo in dairy industry. The objective behind this research is to optimize process parameter and to determine the influence of process parameter on the quality of weld. Welding current and Gas flow rate is process parameter selected for experimental work. In this research Taguchi method is used to optimize  welding current and Gas flow rate. In this project work, X-ray radiographic test has been conducted in order to detect surface and subsurface defects of weld specimens made of SS 316 austenitic stainless steels. Effect of current, gas flow rate and metal plate thickness on quality of weld in metal inert gas arc welding of SS316 austenitic stainless steel has been studied in the present work through experimental analysis. Butt welded joints have been made by employing different levels of gas flow rate, current, and plate thickness. The quality of the weld has been assigned in terms of yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and percentage elongation of welded specimens. The observed data have been interpreted, discussed and analyzed using Taguchi methodology.


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