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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Analysis of Delay in Secant Pile Foundation Work on the Semantok Dam Project

( Volume 9 Issue 6,June 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Rosalendro Eddy Nugroho, Muhammad Iqbal Pratama


CPM-Crashing, fishbone diagram, why-why analisis


This study aims to find out what factors are the dominant factors causing delays and what improvements need to be made to catch up on delays in the work of the Semantok dam foundation. This study also calculates the time and cost of the secant pile foundation work if crashing is carried out because there is a planning gap in the realization of the secant pile foundation work from February to May 2021 which is quite large. This study uses the calculation method Critical Path Method (CPM), Fishbone Diagram, Root Cause (Why –Why), Project crashing. This research is quantitative descriptive. The results showed that the normal cost of secant pile foundation work at the Semantok Dam with a deviation of Rp.517,830,290 is more expensive to do crashing. Meanwhile, the normal time for secant pile foundation work at the Semantok Dam is 458 days shorter by crashing. The dominant factors causing delays in the secant pile foundation work at the Semantok dam are the Man, Warehouse, Machine factors, where corrective actions that must be carried out are Carrying out refreshment training for operators and technicians, making an action plan for the number of workers needed and conducting workforce recruitment, making action plan plotting a mature work implementation area, carrying out routine maintenance every month, procuring and replacing damaged spare parts, making realistic plans and adding sets of drill tools.


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